Page name: People against offensive swearing [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-05-08 02:36:04
Last author: MorningMist
Owner: The Coffee-Prophet
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People against offensive swearing

This Wiki is a Safe Zone

I can't be the only one who think that some of the swear words used in modern english
today is overly offensive and pointless.

Therefore i urge all the members
of this wiki to advoid using swear words containig references to the following subjects:
* Religion.
* Sexual preferences.
* Mental development to reach an inner truth.
* Looks.
* Mental disability. 

Do you agree?
If so, join this wiki.
Write your name on the list

We need:
* Members.
* A motto


[The Coffee-Prophet] Proud founder.
[Elegy - gone] (Made our Banner) (Technical whiz)
[Misty Air] (Second Technical whiz)
[Ylaraniala Majere]
[firehawk] Swearing is awful and unnecessary.
[Blurple Berrie] Swearing is a sure sign of a sadly small vocabulary. Unite against the foulness I say! UNITE!!!
[Wannabe Guard]
[Catlover] I don't mind some swearwords, but I'm fed up of people saying 'gay' and such things as insults.
[Caera] Cursing is the little peoples way of making themselves feel tough.
[Lady_Elowyn] Ya know, it's weird. Some swears are completely pointless. For example, WHAT exactly is so offensive about being called a donkey? Still, it's the motive behind the swear that is so offensive, not the word itself. Come to think of it, most swears are completely pointless, made-up words.
[Cia_mar] it is funny because most people who swear do not even know where the word came from,... i mean look at the "F-word".. originally it was from some king that tried to get people to not commit fornication... and was called Fornication Under Condemnation of the King....people just shortened it to an anacronym...

<img:stuff/offensive_swearing_wikibanner.jpg> <img:stuff/offensive_swearing_housebanner.jpg>

wiki version: <img:stuff/offensive_swearing_wikibanner.jpg>

house version: <img:stuff/offensive_swearing_housebanner.jpg>

Our sister wiki:
Swearing Haters United

Username (or number or email):


2004-10-20 [Elegy - gone]: I joined^_^ hope you don't mind

2004-10-25 [Mumin_trollet]: whuts this...

2004-10-25 [Mumin_trollet]: don't you have anything else to do with your spare time?

2004-10-25 [Mumin_trollet]: for exampel strol of to church and molest the priest. (Notice me not using any profane language or swear words...     allmost)

2004-10-25 [The Coffee-Prophet]: To Annee, no, not at all. To Mumin_trollet,<sarcasm> oh now look at me being impressed by your owerwhelming coolness </sarcasm>

2004-11-20 [Forsvunnet]: Hi, just letting you know i joined. Stupid swearwords......

2004-11-21 [The Coffee-Prophet]: goody

2004-11-21 [Elegy - gone]: wow... this is turning into a very norwegian thingy :P

2004-11-22 [Forsvunnet]: That just goes to show that norwegians are very smart people

2004-11-22 [The Coffee-Prophet]: ye, i guess.

2004-11-22 [Elegy - gone]: hehe^_^ very smart indeed

2004-11-22 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Or maybe we're just very nice.

2004-11-22 [Elegy - gone]: or both!

2004-11-22 [The Coffee-Prophet]: So, anyonehere who can fix a banner?

2004-11-22 [Elegy - gone]: I could... I am infamous for my banners! :P

2004-11-22 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Cool.

2004-11-22 [Elegy - gone]: hehe^_^ but what do you want the banner to look like? have you given it any thought?

2004-11-22 [The Coffee-Prophet]: No, i really have no idea. But as long as it carries our message somehow i'm happy.

2004-11-22 [Elegy - gone]: I'll make a temporarily banner for you, just so you'll have something until you can find a real one, k?

2004-11-22 [The Coffee-Prophet]: k

2004-11-22 [Elegy - gone]: oki, I'll get right to it^_^

2004-11-22 [The Coffee-Prophet]: thanks

2004-11-22 [Elegy - gone]: <img:stuff/people_against_offensive_swearing_badge.jpg> here... it's a really fast one, but hopefully it'll work for now... and pictures tend to get somewhat blurry when uploading them to elftown... hope you don't mind...

2004-11-22 [Forsvunnet]: goody good......*claps annee on thge back*

2004-11-22 [The Coffee-Prophet]: goody. It'll do

2004-11-25 [The Coffee-Prophet]: i'll make this a safe zone

2004-11-25 [Forsvunnet]: Great! exactly is a safe zone?

2004-11-25 [The Coffee-Prophet]: visit their site (here Safe Zone)

2005-01-04 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Welcome aboard [Dint]

2005-01-10 [Misty Air]: YAY! this wiki is so cool

2005-01-10 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Nice that you think so, welcome on board.

2005-01-10 [Itsme2]: Yay...! Nice banner!

2005-01-11 [The Coffee-Prophet]: ya

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